Microsoft has been rolling out a new Microsoft Authenticator feature which has added another layer of protection to your 2FA process. Users will now notice that Microsoft Authenticator is requiring number matching during the authentication process.

With the constant evolution of cybersecurity threats, two factor authentication (2-FA) methods and account hardening strategies must evolve as well. Unsolicited app approvals are a growing concern, with attackers attempting to exploit accidental approvals. To counter this, Microsoft Authenticator now requires number matching for stronger account security. In order to sign in, users must input a code matching their device’s login screen to approve sign-in requests. This enhancement adds another step to the authorization process and adds protection against unauthorized access.

Three Take Aways on Advantages of Number Matching Authentication:

  1. Enhanced Security: Number Matching Authentication adds an extra layer of security to the login process. By requiring users to input a code that matches the one displayed on their device, it ensures that only authorized individuals can access the account. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access and potential breaches.
  2. Mitigation of Accidental Approvals: Attackers often exploit accidental approvals of authentication requests. With Number Matching Authentication, users actively participate in the approval process by verifying the code. This prevents users from unknowingly approving fraudulent requests and strengthens overall account security.
  3. Protection Against Phishing: Phishing attacks often trick users into granting unauthorized access. Number Matching Authentication acts as a strong defense against such attacks. Nobody should ever call you asking to input a number to match in your authenticator app!